Torghatten expands to Namdalkysten
Torghatten wins two contracts on the Namdal Coast in the ferry tender for 2025.
The contracts were signed with AtB on January 23.
“We are pleased with the award, especially to continue operating on routes we have managed since the beginning,” says Mariann Grønseth, CEO of Torghatten Midt.
“The vessels planned for use are the same that have operated the routes in recent years. They are well-suited for the connections and have contributed to good and stable operations and a predictable service for passengers.”
In the award criteria for the contracts, quality was weighted at 20 percent, and price at 80 percent.
“Torghatten Midt knows the areas well from before, and we look forward to continuing the cooperation in both contract areas,” says AtB CEO Grete Fuglem Tennås.
The connections are:
Contract Area 3: Route 985 Ølhammeren – Seierstad, Route 965 Hofles – Geisnes – Lund, and Route 960 Skei – Gutvik. The contract runs from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2030, with a unilateral option for extension of up to two years.
Contract Area 4: Route 963 Eidshaug – Gjerdinga and Route 966 Borgan – Ramstadlandet. The contract starts on February 1, 2025, and lasts until December 31, 2034, with a unilateral option for extension of up to two years.