About NFI
Ferries are freedom
Freedom for people who are meeting across larger distance and even countries. People who are meeting friends, family, and loved ones. And people doing business and exchanging ideas.
Historically man wondered what lies on the other side of waters. Today we know, but ferries remain special when we look at the journey itself.
Ferries enable growth, jobs and contribute to boosting the economy by connecting people, cultures and worlds across waters. And ferries allow travelers to lift their gaze during the journey and enjoy a pause and some time for reflection.
NFI owns Torghatten AS and Molslinjen A/S. Two shipping companies with a total of 25 million passengers each year. 25 million people whom we assist in achieving their purposes. We help them on their way, and we care for them during their journey.
Molslinjen and Torghatten operates independently as two companies with separate names and brands, but we are continuously working towards a closer collaboration through selected centralized functions and with a group executive management team.
Read about our Nordic ferry companies in the links below and learn more about the history of NFI.
Total route map
Below you see the total collection of routes within NFI. The routes are distributed across the Nordic countries, also connecting Denmark to the rest of Europe through Germany.